Business Scope

Financial Instruments

Capital Raise

manconhouse deals with a vast network of investors including private companies, private equity funds, venture capital funds, hedge funds, pension funds, business angels, financial institutions, chartered banks, governments as well as other lenders and specialized funds.
manconhouse helps you get funding to complete your purchase, restructuring, expansion, recapitalization, or share liquidation. We determine the capital structure best suited to your needs, establish a focused business plan and negotiate the best terms for you.
We can help you transact with conventional lending institutions such as chartered banks, pension funds, insurance companies, etc., along with non-conventional, institutional, or private sources offering second mortgages, equity loans, or mezzanine loans. We have completed several financings that have facilitated acquisitions of commercial properties or refinanced existing loans. Our experienced funding team was involved in the origination of several complex real estate transactions.
We are active with monetizing funds. Our relationship with multi-residential underwriters allows us to offer competitive loans to our customers.
We can help with the following financing options:
Common and Preferred Shares.
Majority or minority investments.
Recapitalization and Restructuring.
Mezzanine financing
Senior debt and subordinated debt.
Redemption by executives.
Financial Instruments samples:
SBLC (Stand By Letter of Credit)
SKR (Safe Keeping Receipt)
BG (Bank Guarantees)
MTN (Medium Term Notes)
CBD (Confirmable Bank Draft)
Bank Bonds